Weeky Programs

Bhai Taru Singh Ji Shahidi

BHAI TARU SINGH JI (1720-1745) Bhai Taru Singh ji was born around 1720 in Amritsar. He was raised a Sikh by his widowed mother and had one sister, Tar Kaur.At the time Bhai Taru Singh decided to become initiated into the Khalsa, Sikh revolutionaries were plotting the overthrow of the Mughal governor of Punjab, Zakaria …

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Bhai Mani Singh Ji Shahidi

BHAI MANI SINGH JI (1644-1738) Bhai Mani Singh, originally called Mani Ram, was one of the 12 sons of Mai Das of Alipur/Multan. When he was 13 years old, his father took him to Guru Har Rai in Keeratpur where he stayed for two years. At his father’s wish he left Keeratpur, to go back …

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